Welcome to Kitchen Chemistry!

Episode 1: tie dying with veggie scraps and other kitchen things

In the first episode of Kitchen Chemistry, Brianna walks you through the science of how plants have their colour and how scientists take advantage of these colours to make commercial dyes. Brianna also explains how to tie-dye clothing using food scraps by making your own natural dyes. For the full lesson plan and to watch the episode, click the links below!

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Veggie Scraps Dyes

episode 2: rainbows with cabbage indicator

In this episode of Kitchen Chemistry, Brianna gives a crash course on acids, bases, and how we measure them! Brianna explained how an indicator can be used to measure the pH of a solution, and how to make your own indicator at home using cabbages.

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Cabbage Indicator: How-tos and rainbows

episode 3: Yeast & sourdough starter

In episode 3 of Kitchen Chemistry, Brianna introduced the theme for the next three weeks, yeast! Brianna explained how yeasts use fermentation to digest their food and how humans take advantage of this in baking. Brianna also did an experiment showing how yeast can produce enough gas to fill a balloon, and showed how to make a sourdough bread starter!

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Yeast & Sourdough Starter

episode 3.5: Sourdough starter updates

In this video, Brianna gives you updates on her sourdough starter! This video is meant to bridge the gap between episodes 3 and 4.

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episode 4: Sourdough baking

In this episode of Kitchen Chemistry, Brianna starts outlines the last steps needed to make the best sourdough bread (according to science). This video shows and explains the first few steps of baking the bread, and for the conclusion check out episode 4.5!

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Sourdough Recipe

episode 4.5: mmmm…smell that bread cooking!

In this video of Kitchen Chemistry, Brianna concludes our series on making your own sourdough bread. Brianna demonstrates the importance of kneading, why we score bread, and how to set up your oven (according to science!).

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episode 5: Strawberry dna extraction

In this video, Brianna starts our next series of Kitchen Chemistry, a return to the classics! In this episode, Brianna gives you a crash course on DNA, and walks you through how to isolate the DNA from a strawberry at home using household equipment!

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DNA Extraction Experiment

episode 6: Enzymes!

In this video, Brianna explains some of the science behind enzymes, and how organisms use them to break down toxins. She also explains how to make your own Elephant's Toothpaste at home!

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Elephant’s Toothpaste Experiment